Siirry sisältöön
Tervetuloa uuteen kotiin, jossa kaikki on ajateltu puolestasi. Hae vasta valmistuneen Artemiksen asuntoja täältä!

Rauhankatu 4, 20100 TURKU
Tel. 02 2747 000

Office opening hours
Mon–Thu, 10 am–4 pm
Fri, 10 am–3 pm

Opening hours of the phone service

Housing sales
Mon–Fri 10 am–2 pm

Property management
Mon–Fri 10 am–12 am

Fee control
Mon–Fri 10 am–2 pm
Our direct dial numbers are on the “Personnel” page.

Customer service for housing sales
Tel. 02 274 7002

Property management
The contact details of your property manager are on Vaso’s maintenance and property manager

Tel. 02 274 7006

Fee and rent control
Tel. 02 274 7004

Residents’ cooperation body (YTE)
If you would like the YTE to address a matter related to Vaso housing or to send the YTE a message, please email