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The application process for a queue number required in the application for a right-of-occupancy home has changed (1.9.2023). The queue number-registry is now maintained by ARA (The Housing Finance and Development Centre of Finland). Here’s a few most frequently asked questions concerning the national queue number answered by ARA.

You’ll get your queue number from ARA’s queue number-registry. It’ an online service, in which you can log in with your online banking credentials. You can use the service through browser on your computer or mobile device.

When you have filled in the application and paid for the queue number (9,20€), you’ll see your queue number immediately from the online service.

Yes, you can. Printable application form can be found on ARA’s web page. You can also get the application form at your municipality’s service point or at the state’s service points. The information about the queue number payment is found on the application form. Send the application and payment receipt to ARA either by mail or via email Paper applications are handled in the order of arrival. The fastest way to get the queue number is via online service.

No, you can’t. You can only apply for the queue number via online service or with a paper application form.

Yes, you can. The number you have received from the municipality is valid until the end of the year. So you can have both the municipality’s and ARA’s queue numbers.

With the municipality’s number, you can apply for a residence until the end of the year from that particular municipality. With ARA’s queue numbers, you can apply for a residence from anywhere in Finland. Queue numbers admitted by the municipalities are the priority in applicant selection from 1.9-31.12.2023, because they are older.

The following informations is required in the application:

  • The applicant’s name, social security number, address, phone number, and email
  • If there are other applicants as well, also their name, social security number, address, phone number, and email are required.
  • The amount of children under the age of 18 moving with the applicant(s)
  • The name(s) and social security number(s) of family members over the age of 18 moving with the applicant(s)
  • Housing type preferences: Preferred municipality, secondary municipality, number of rooms and the preferred type of house.

Housing type preferences are asked for statistics and for ASUNTOPOLIITTISIA LINJAUKSIA. The preference is not binding, meaning that after you’ve got your queue number, you can apply for exactly the kind of residence that you are interested in.

The queue number application does not require any information about VARALLISUUS, nor any attachements are needed. Wealth limit are checked when you’re applying for a particular right-of-occupancy house.

If you have a queue number admitted by a municipality, you can check your number through the municipality, which has admitted you the number.

If you have a queue number admitted by ARA (after 1.9.2023), you can check your number from ARA’s queue number-registry. You’ll see your number once you log into the registry

You can’t see the queue numbers admitted by municipalities from the ARA queue number registry.